20210104-From Test Site to Pilot Demonstration Area: Historical Development and Future Prospects of Comprehensive Transportation System in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the Past 40 Years

  ZHANG Xiaochun1 SHAO Yuan1 HUANG Qixiang1 YI Chenyu1

  (1.Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China 518057)

  【Abstract】In the different development stage of industrialization, urbanization, and modernization in China, Shenzhen, as a pilot field of the reform and opening up, explores the transportation development mode that adapts to the characteristics of specific historical stages. This paper systematically summarizes the logic of Shenzhen’s transportation mode: 1) to break the traditional mode of government supply paths and enrich choices of transportation supply path; 2) to identify the structural evolution and development of transportation system, and continuously adhere to the principles of intensive development as the only transportation mode to support the transformation from a specific economic zone to a megalopolis; 3) to balance the factors that relevant to transportation pattern, such as capital source, land space, management system, scientific and technological innovation, so as to promote the innovation of transportation structure. As Shenzhen enters the development period of a pilot demonstration area, it follows along with the core concept of the past 40 years’ development. To lead a new paradigm of national transportation governance, we proposed three advanced demonstration directions of Shenzhen transportation development: to become the transportation engine for the Greater Bay Area and achieve global development strategy, to create a user-friendly space environment and build a rail-leading transit system, and to improve social governance and maintain green development.

  【Keywords】 transportation pattern; development process; pilot demonstration area; transportation supply path; factor balance; future vision; Shenzhen;

  【DOI】 10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2021.0104-en