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共有200多位来自各界的专业人士及相关公司代表与会,涵盖了国家科技部、国家环保局、国家工信部和中国汽车工业协会、中国汽车技术研究中心等政府相关机构,大众、沃尔沃、上汽集团、雷诺和博世等国内外著名整车以及汽车零件制造商。会议在热烈的气氛中开幕并随着30多位与会代表就各自领域的精彩发言走向高潮。首先, 中汽协会市场贸易委员会秘书长张伯顺先生发表了致辞,随后环保部污染防治司大气处处长任洪岩等政府相关机构的代表就政府的机动车污染控制的中国汽车业现状及未来政策导向等相关话题展开了本次峰会的探讨序幕。紧接着,沃尔沃中国区首席执行官Alexander Klose就沃尔沃视环保为核心价值;大众中国研究中心总经理舒 仁博博士关于大众未来可持续动力总成技术的发展;上汽集团技术中心技术经济部主管王晶先生就上汽自主品牌的研发;雷诺汽车公司北京办事处首席代表林桦先生关于城际交通零排放电动车等话题先后发表了精彩的演讲,就各自企业的整车环保技术和企业环保意识和理念做出了丰富而生动的陈述。

随后,沃尔沃集团全球品牌卡车亚洲区总裁Joachim Rosenberg先生的主题演讲“沃尔沃集团混合动力技术商业前景”,南京依维柯总经理周亮先生的“可持续发展道路运输解决方案”,康明斯公司东亚区发动机技术总监彭立新博士主持的“EGR与SCR哪种技术更被中国市场所接受”的互动讨论,将会议推向了高潮。于此同时,一些汽车发动机厂商代表如日产柴油发动机公司Hisashi Akagawa先生、博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司总经理马儒韬、中国重汽济南富强动力有限公司谢建军先生和上海日野发动机有限公司总工程师孙琦先生先后就日本市场的低排放系统、现代清洁柴油技术-为中国实现节能减排的目标做出贡献、汽车发动机再制造和日野EGR技术在车用发动机上的发展与应用等发动机系统专业技术问题进行了详尽的介绍。期间各与会代表相谈甚欢,深入探讨了最新的绿色汽车技术并展望了未来环保汽车技术的发展方向。






徐炜颋, 上海扬格励远国际信息咨询服务中心,项目经理

电话:021 6167 0500*812

传真:021 6167 0511





The 2nd Annual China Green Transport Summit 2009


The 2nd annual China Green Transport Summit 2009 given under the auspices of China Automobile Industry Association Market Trade Committee and China Association of Automotive Manufactures Vehicle Engine Branch and organized by Business Innovation Partner was convoked successfully at Hotel New Otani Chang Fu Gong Beijing, China from May 20th to 22nd, 2009.


With the hot-point problems like the scarcity of international petroleum resource and the air pollution caused by automobile exhaust attracting concerning from automobile industry and other related parties, the technology development of environment-friendly automobile industry is facing a unprecedented opportunity. As the only one international summit concerning this topic, base on the success on first annual China Green Transport Summit 2008, the second annual summit 2009 extended it’s topic on the “future vehicle expectation” exploring the possibility and potential in the application of new environment-friendly technology for future automobile industry.


More than 200 professional representatives from government supported institutions including Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R. China; State Environmental Protection Administration; CAAM Specialist Committee and related full vehicle and accessory manufacturing companies like Volkswagen, Volvo, SAIC, Renault and Bosch attended this summit. The summit was started with an ardent atmosphere and then reached a high tide with the professional and brilliant speeches about different fields given by around 30 representatives. Firstly, the secretary-general of CAAM Specialist Committee Mr. Boshun Zhang gave the welcome address. Then the chief of the atmosphere departmentalism, pollution protection department of State Environmental Protection Administration, Mr. Hongyan Ren and other representatives from government supported institutions gave presentations on the “Automobile Pollution Control by Government” and “The Current Status China Auto Industry and Oriented Policy in the Future” as such to start the speech part of this summit. Later, the China CEO of Volvo, Mr Alexander Klose; Dr. Peter Schulenberg, the Head of Volkswagen Research Lab China; Mr Wang Jing from Technical Economical Department System, Technical Center of SAIC and Mr LIN Hua, the Beijing Chief Representative of Renault gave the brilliant speeches and analysis about “Environmental Care: The Core Value of Volvo Cars”; “Sustainable Development for Future Powertrain Technologies by Volkswagen”; “SAIC R&D of Self-owned Brand Car” and “Zero Emission Electric Vehicles for Suburban Mobility” respectively to expatiate their own full car environment-friendly technologies and ethics.

The summit was pushed to a new high by the speech given by the president of Volvo (China) Investment and Volvo Group Asia Truck Operations Mr. Joachim Rosenberg. He talks about The Future Business Prospects of Volvo’s Hybride Powertrain Technology. Mr. Zhou Liang, the general manager of Nanjing IVECO, his speech regarding Solution of Sustainable Mobility attracted much attention by the attendees. The most popular section was the pannel discussion directed by Dr. Peng Lixin, Technical Director of China Engineering of Cummins. The topic ‘EGR or SCR, Which One Is More Acceptable for Chinese Market’ received extensive participation. At the same time, some representatives from engine manufacturing companies such as Hisashi Akagawa from PT Product Development of Nissan Diesel, Mr. Rudolf Maier from Bosch Automotive Diesel Systems Co., Ltd., Mr. FU Jun from Geely Holding Group and the chief engineer of Shanghai Hino Engine, Mr. SUN Qi also introduced their engine technology respectively. Their topics concerned “Low Emission System for Japanese Market”, “Advanced Green Diesel Technology-A Contribution to Chinese Environmental and Energy-saving Targets”, “Strongly Promoting Hybrid Electric Auto with Independent Technology” and “The Development and Application of HINO-EGR in Heavy Duty Engines”. During the whole procedure of the annual summit, all the representatives had enjoyable communications discussing about the recently developed environment-friendly automobile technologies and explored the development trend in the future.

This annual summit lowered the curtain breezily at May 22nd. All the related parties satisfied with the gains and expressed cordial expectations for the next annual in the future.


For more information about this annual summit, please contact:

Austin XU, Project Manager of Business Innovation Partner

Tel: 021 6167 0500*812

Fax: 021 6167 0511

E-mail: austin.xu@bipartners.com

Website: www.chinagreentransport.com