Road transportation emission inventories and projections – Case study of Belgium: Methodology and pitfalls
发布时间:2014-3-2410:40:1来源:作者:Marlies Vanhulsel, Bart Degraeuwe, Carolien Beckx, Jean Vankerkom, Ina De Vlieger点击量:1801   

Marlies Vanhulsel
Bart Degraeuwe,
Carolien Beckx,
Jean Vankerkom,
Ina De Vlieger


•Varying input parameters in bottom-up emission models for road transportation.
•Including small diesel cars of cylinder capacity up to 1.4 l.
•Calculating additional fuel consumption due to mobile air conditioning.
•Assessment of road type definitions.


Road transportation; Vehicle emissions; Emissions inventories; Pollution projections


This paper quantifies the effect of a number of input parameters on the emission levels of road transport emissions calculated by means of a bottom-up methodology. The input parameters considered cover small diesel cars, calculation of additional fuel consumption due to the use of mobile air conditioning in passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, fine-tuning of trip lengths and definition of road types for Belgium in 2010. The effect is significant for CO2, and even more pronounced for other pollutants such as NOx, PM2.5, and VOCs.

Article Outline
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results
4. Conclusions



Fig. 1.

The E-Motion Road framework.

Fig. 2.

Sensitivity of emission level for PM2.5, VOCs, CO2 and NOx to trip length for Flanders in 2010. Note: emission level for trip distance of 35 km = 100.

Fig. 3.

Distribution of vehicle kilometres in Flanders according to road type based on different data sources. NS = National statistics. TCC = Traffic center statistics.


Table 1. Share of small diesel passenger cars with respect to the passenger car, the diesel automobile, and the small and medium-sized diesel passenger car fleets.

Table 2. Effect of adapting separate hot emission factors for a category of small diesel cars on CO2 emissions.

Table 3. Effects of addition for use of mobile air conditioning in automobiles and light duty vehicles on CO2 emissions.

Table 4. Effect of shift of vehicle kilometres between rural and urban on emissions of road transportation for Belgium in 2010.

Table 5. Impact of varying input parameters on CO2 emission level for Belgium in 2010 and 2030.