2010年 第4期



摘要:路网结构是铁路客运枢纽 地区规划设计中的重要因素。利 用Google Earth 软件获取国内外 69 个铁路客运枢纽地区的卫星图 片,对其路网结构特征进行统计和 分析。通过对比发现,国内外铁路 客运枢纽地区路网结构的主要差 异体现在路网密度、支路比例等方 面。结合这些差异以及实地调查 经验,指出我国铁路客运枢纽地区 路网结构存在的问题:整体路网密 度不高,路网级配不合理;新改建 车站设计时过于重视进出站匝道 的作用而忽视支路;铁路客运站集 散交通汇入城市交通的关键节点 设计不精细;疏散模式较为传统, 周边轨道交通不发达。最后,对国 内铁路客运枢纽地区路网设计提 出了提高路网密度、增加支路比 例、精心设计流线三点建议。

关键词:交通规划;铁路客运枢纽; 路网结构;比较



A Comparison of Road Network Layout Surrounding Rail Transit Terminals

DU Heng
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract:The road network surrounding a railway transit terminal is an important element in the planning and design of a railway station. By capturing satellite images of 69 rail transit terminals inside and outside of China through Google Earth, this paper analyzes the characteristics of road network layout surrounding rail transit terminals. The comparison results show that there are differences between the domestic and overseas stations in roadway density and the proportion of feeder roads. Based on the analysis and field investigation, the paper points out the main problems in road network surrounding rail transit terminals in China: overall low density of roads, lack of roadway hierarchy system— overemphasizing expressway connection while overlooking feeder/ collector roads at newly constructed train stations, no detailed roadway plan for traffic between the station and city street network, incompatible old traditional traffic distribution layout, and insufficient rail transit development in the surrounding areas. The three suggestions are made at the end of the paper on how to design road network around rail transit terminals in China: increasing roadway density, promoting feeder/connector roads, and detailing roadway elements for providing better traffic flow.

Keywords:transportation planning; rail transit terminals; road network layout; comparison