2009年 第5期


(武汉市城市规划设计研究院,湖北 武汉 430014)

摘要:为了解决我国城市规划中缺少物流用地的分类及控制指标,造成物流设施面积过大、土地和资金资源浪费等问题,对物流设施用地规模控制进行研究。首先明确了物流设施分类,指出需要对社会公共物流设施进行用地控制,包括物流园区、物流中心和配送中心。探讨了根据规范经验值和城市货物运输量两种方法计算物流设施用地规模的具体步骤。以武汉市为例,利用这两种方法预测2020年公共物流设施总占地面积为20.4 km2。最后,对我国物流行业发展、物流设施布局提出相关建议。




Land Use Control for Development of Logistical Facilities

ZENG Hai-chuan, WANG Yue-li
(Wuhan Planning & Design Institute, Wuhan Hubei 430014, China)

Abstract:With respect to the fact that there is few land use classification of logistics and control indices available in China, which always results in an improper size of facilities, and waste of land resources and funds, this paper conducts a study on land use control for logistical facilities. Firstly, the paper specifies the classification of logistical facilities, and points out that land use control is needed for social public logistics facilities, including logistics parks, logistics centers and distribution centers. Then the paper discusses the specific steps to calculate land-use scale of logistics facilities with two methods, such as industrial recommendation and urban goods traffic volume. Wuhan was used as an example to apply the methods, with a forecasting result of 20.4 km2 total area for public logistics facilities in 2020. The paper concludes with suggestions on logistics industry development and facilities arrangement in China.

Keywords:logistics planning; social public logistics facilities; land use control; demand calculation; urban goods traffic volume