2004年 第4期


[美] 周江评




Survey and Datasets of Nationwide Public Transportation Planning Basic Data in U.S.

ZHOU Jiangping
(Urban Transportation Center University of Illinois, Chicago 60607, United States)

Abstract: The primary task of this paper is to study on America's experience in transportation planning survey and associated dataset design since the large-scale urban transportation planning activities took place in 1950s and to explore its implications to China. Focusing on National Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) and National Household Transportation Survey (NHTS), this paper would study on the historical evolution, goals of datasets, entity-in-charge, financial sources, etc. of the nationwide public basic transportation planning datasets in U.S. Following this, an overall evaluation of U.S.'s experience in nationwide public basic transportation planning datasets has been given and some comparison of related works between U.S. and China has been made. The author finds that cost-benefit assessment, finance, legislation, openness, etc. are all factors that will affect the nationwide transportation planning survey and associated dataset design. Finally, some specific recommendations to China have been offered.

Keywords: transportation planning; basic data; traffic investigation; dataset; U.S.