2013年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)03-0042-05


摘要: 为了探讨在泊位共享条件下混合用地停车需求比例变化对停 车供给规模和共享效用的影响,研究各类用地在泊位共享效用最大情 况下的停车需求相对比例关系。根据典型单一性质用地不同时刻的停 车需求率,确定不同性质用地的停车需求,进而通过叠加计算混合用地 共享条件下的停车泊位数。提出运用泊位共享效用指数衡量混合用地 中各种用地不同停车需求组合下的泊位共享效率。分别以行政办公与 住宅用地组合,住宅、餐饮和行政办公用地组合为例,分析确定泊位共 享效用最优的不同用地停车需求比例关系及其相应的泊位共享效用指 数值,同时得到泊位共享效率较高的混合用地停车需求比例范围。

关键词: 交通规划;泊位共享;混合用地;停车需求比例;泊位共享效用 指数



Shared Parking Facility for Mixed Parking Demand Generated by Different Types of Land Use

Su Jing, Guan Hongzhi, Qin Huanmei
(Beijing Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)

Abstract: To investigate how the change of the proportion of parking demand from different types of land use influences the shared parking supply and utilization, this paper introduces a study on the proportion of parking demand from different types of land use with maximum parking space sharing utilization. Based on the parking demand rate of the single land use at different time of the day, the number of parking spaces occupied by customers from different land use is estimated. Then the paper proposes an index of parking space sharing utilization for evaluating the performance of parking space sharing with different proportion of parking demand from different types of land use. Taking office/residential land and residential/dining/office land as examples, the paper analyzes the proportion of parking demand from different types of land use and corresponding parking space sharing utilization, as well as the range of reasonable proportion of parking demand.

Keywords: transportation planning; parking space sharing; mixed land use; ratio of parking demand; index of parking space sharing utility