2013年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)05-0053-09


摘要: 通关口岸是一种特殊的交通枢纽,为保证其 提供舒适、快捷的通关服务,满足日益增长的通关需 求,有必要对其进行科学的交通预测和规划设计。 针对通关口岸交通需求复杂、内部查验部门多、客货 需求集中的特点,提出口岸交通规划设计思路和原 则。以深圳市莲塘口岸为例,从交通需求预测、功能 区规模测算、口岸总体布局、建筑布置、交通组织几 个方面详细阐述交通规划设计方案,探讨其如何实 现口岸交通功能和高效利用城市土地资源,落实以 人为本的交通理念。

关键词: 交通规划;通关口岸;需求预测;交通组织



Transportation Planning and Design for Urban Port Customs: A Case Study of Liantang Port Customs in Shenzhen

Liu Guanghui, Bai Liansen, Xia Guodong, Zhang Zhongjin
(Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning & Design Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518021, China)

Abstract: Being a special transportation terminal, urban port demands for efficient customs clearance services and high-quality transportation system to meet its ever increasing expansion needs. For that, it is necessary to develop better transportation forecasting and planning methods. Dealing with the complex demands, a host of inspection agencies, and intensive passenger/ freight demand, this paper presents the overall concept and principles for port transportation planning and design. Taking Liantang Port Customs in Shenzhen as an example, the paper discusses the port transportation functionalities, effective land use development, and user- oriented service in several aspects: transportation demand forecasting, functionality zoning, general layout, distribution of infrastructure, and traffic management.

Keywords: transportation planning; port customs; demand forecasting; traffic management