2013年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)06-0018-10


摘要: 轨道交通线网客流特征实质上是车站客流时空分布叠加 及交换的效果体现,通过分析车站客流的波动性,发现北京轨道 交通系统在不同时间维度和区域范围均呈现出明显的不均衡特 征。针对车站特点进行聚类分析,归纳出周边不同用地类型的车 站客流时空分布差异性特征规律,并进一步分析了进站客流和换 乘站客流特征以及进出站客流接驳特征。在此基础上,对北京市 轨道交通发展提出应建立多层次的轨道交通系统和多样化的轨 道交通运营组织方式;重视换乘站在网络中的合理布局,改进换 乘站设计与运行组织;结合车站区位特征制定差异化接驳服务等 建议

关键词: 城市轨道交通;车站;客流特征;换乘;接驳方式;北京市



Temporal and Spatial Passenger Flow Distribution Characteristics at Rail Transit Stations in Beijing

Wang Jing, Liu Jianfeng, Ma Yilin, Sun Fuliang, Chen Feng
(Beijing Transportation Research Center, Beijing 100073, China)

Abstract: Passenger flow characteristics of rail transit network results from the integration and interaction of spatial and temporal passenger flow distributions at rail transit stations. By analyzing passenger flow fluctuation at stations, this paper identifies significant heterogeneity in Beijing rail transit system in terms of both time and space dimensions. Based on cluster classification analyses for stations with different characteristics, the paper summarizes the spatial and temporal passenger flow distribution characteristics under different types of land use, and the characteristics of loading, transferring, entering/exiting passenger flow. Finally, the paper proposes to promote rail transit development in Beijing in there aspects: developing a multi-level rail transit system with diversified operating strategies, emphasizing the layout of transfer stations in rail transit network and improving the design and operation of transfer stations, and providing different connection services at different stations.

Keywords: urban rail transit; stations; passenger flow characteristics; transfer; connection mode; Beijing