2013年 第6期
共建长株潭交通一体化 ——株洲市城市综合交通体系规划策略与实践

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)06-0057-09


摘要: 中国城市正由个体集中发展向城镇群一体化发展阶段演 进,城镇群内交通联系特征也由此发生明显改变,因此,交通规划 编制思路应进行相应调整。以株洲市城市综合交通体系规划为 例,探讨在长株潭城镇群一体化快速推进背景下,如何立足区域视 角统筹考虑株洲交通枢纽定位和重大交通设施布局。针对株洲市 功能定位、交通设施布局和交通网络协调对接中面临的问题,提出 组合、均衡、融合三大规划策略。以长株潭城镇群作为规划切入 点,详细阐述株洲交通枢纽规划思路,城际轨道交通、铁路、高速公 路布局方案,以及道路、公共交通、绿道等城市间网络对接方案

关键词: 交通规划;综合交通;交通一体化;城镇群;长株潭;株洲



Integrated Transportation Development in Chang-Zhu-Tan: Urban Comprehensive Transportation System Planning Strategy and Practice in Zhuzhou

Li Changbo
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Chinese cities are evolving from single city-oriented development patterns to urban clusters, which cause significant changes in roadway network characteristics within urban clusters. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the principles of urban transportation planning accordingly. Taking urban comprehensive transportation system planning in Zhuzhou as an example, this paper discusses the functionality of Zhuzhou as a hub city and the layout of key transportation facilities under the rapid development of the urban cluster areas in Chang-Zhu-Tan. Aiming at the problems of functionality, transportation facilities layout, coordination and connection within transportation network in Zhuzhou, the paper proposes three transportation planning strategies: combination, balance and integration. Focusing on the cluster of urban areas in Chang-Zhu-Tan, the paper elaborates transportation terminal planning, layout of intercity rail transit, railway and freeway, as well as roadway, public transit and greenway network connectivity in Zhuzhou.

Keywords: transportation planning; comprehensive transportation; integrated transportation; urban cluster; Chang-Zhu-Tan; Zhuzhou