2013年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2013)06-0066-09


摘要: 在交通需求总量保持高速增长,而道路资源能力扩充有限 的背景下,交通结构是否合理直接影响交通资源的配置方式以及 城市交通系统的运行效率。首先总结北京市交通结构发展的历史 阶段及特征。然后,系统梳理国际大城市三种典型的交通发展模 式及策略。在此基础上,针对北京市交通结构调整面临的主要问 题与挑战,相应提出交通结构合理化发展的策略与建议:提升公共 交通吸引力和承载力、降低小汽车使用强度、引导市民绿色出行和 理性消费

关键词: 交通结构;发展模式;公共交通;交通需求管理;绿色出行; 北京



Feasible and Sustainable Travel Mode Development Strategy in Beijing

Yu Liu, Liu Ying
(Beijing Transportation Research Center, Beijing 100073, China)

Abstract: Under the increasing travel demand and limited road resources, travel mode choice directly affects transportation resources allocation and the effectiveness of urban transportation system. This paper first reviews the characteristics of travel mode choice in different time periods in Beijing. Then the paper summarizes three typical transportation development patterns and strategies in large cities around the world. Focusing on the main problems and challenges in travel mode choice adjustment in Beijing, the paper provides strategies and suggestions on promoting rational development of travel mode choice in several aspects: improving the attractiveness and capacity of public transportation, reducing the demand for vehicle travel, and encouraging green travel and rational consumption.

Keywords: travel mode choice; development patterns; public transportation; travel demand management; green travel; Beijing