2014年 第1期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)01-0001-04


摘要: 为了减少客运交通枢纽缝隙及其负面效果,无缝衔接逐渐成为共识。然而,对于什么是“无 缝”、怎样做才能“无缝”,业内仍然存在分歧。首先对客运交通枢纽的三大功能——换乘衔接、运 输组织、引导开发进行梳理,强调换乘衔接是最基本、最核心的功能。针对换乘衔接功能的核心理 念“无缝衔接”进行分析,指出其目标是换乘综合成本系统最优,体现在距离、服务、时间、费用 4 个方面。最后,针对对外综合交通枢纽、轨道交通枢纽、常规公交枢纽、停车换乘枢纽存在的主 要问题,对如何利用无缝衔接理念增强枢纽换乘衔接功能提出建议。

关键词: 交通规划;客运交通枢纽;无缝衔接;换乘

中图分类号: 491.1+2


Seamless Connection and Functionalities of Passenger Transport Terminals

Lu Ximing, JiangWenping
(Shanghai City Comprehensive Transportation Planning Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Seamless connection has become a consensus to reduce separation between travel modes and the resulting negative impacts at passenger transport terminals. However, there is still disagreement on what is and how to realize seamless transfer. This paper first analyzes the three major functionalities of passenger transport terminals, including transfer connection, traffic organization, and land development guidance. It emphasizes the importance of transfer and connection. By analyzing the idea of seamless connection, the paper points out that the objective of seamless transfer is to achieve the lowest comprehensive system cost including transfer distance, service, time, and fare. Toward the main problems existing in comprehensive terminals, rail transit terminals, bus terminals, and park-and-ride facilities, the paper provides suggestions on enhancing transfer and connection functionalities.

Keywords: transportation planning; passenger transport terminal; seamless connection; transfer