2014年 第1期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)01-0041-07


摘要: 合理选择集疏运模式是高铁枢纽集疏运体系构建的核心内容之一。首先对影响高铁枢纽集疏 运模式构建的主要因素进行系统分析。将高铁枢纽集疏运模式分为以轨道交通为主体、公共交通与 个体机动化交通并重以及以个体机动化交通为主体,明确各模式分担率指标及其在中国的适用性。 在此基础上,提出高铁枢纽公共交通集疏运体系发展策略,包括大力发展轨道交通集疏运体系、优 化公共交通集疏运网络布局、注重一体化换乘衔接、提升公共交通运营服务水平,以及实施交通需 求管理等。

关键词: 高铁枢纽;集疏运模式;发展策略;公共交通;适用性

中图分类号: U491


High-speed Rail Passenger Distributing Patterns and Development Strategies

He Xiaozhou, Guo Xiucheng, Zhang Xiaohui
(School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210096, China)

Abstract: It is important to select suitable passenger distributing patterns for developing a high-speed rail passenger distributing system. This paper first analyzes the main influential factors on the establishment of high-speed rail passenger distributing patterns. Through classifying high-speed rail passenger distributing patterns into rail transit oriented, public/private transportation oriented and private transportation oriented, the paper discusses their corresponding travel model share and applicability in China. Finally, the paper proposes development strategies for public transportation distributing system within high-speed rail terminals in several aspects: developing rail transit distributing system, improving the layout of public transportation distributing network, emphasizing transfer integration, improving the level of service of public transportation, and implementing travel demand management.

Keywords: High-speed rail terminals; passenger distributing patterns; development strategies; public transportation; applicability