2014年 第1期
对中小城市总体规划中交通强制性内容的 思考——以青海省平安县为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)01-0055-06


摘要: 通过分析城市总体规划的编制要求和存在的问题,研究城市总体规划中交通强制性内容的编 制落实问题。对于中小城市而言,大城市市域轨道交通延伸线不宜作为中小城市总体规划的强制性 内容,线路选线应以次干路和非骨架性主干路为主,所经道路红线宽度不小于40 m;城市总体规划 文本不必将次干路及以上等级道路全部作为强制性内容,而应选择其中的骨干道路网络;交通枢纽 布局的关键在于枢纽用地控制,客运交通枢纽用地可以根据客运交通枢纽构成按照“分别计算、各 项求和”的方法进行估算,货运交通枢纽用地可以结合物流仓储用地、铁路和公路货运场站用地进 行估算。最后,以青海省平安县城市总体规划为例进行说明。

关键词: 交通规划;城市总体规划;强制性内容;城市轨道交通;城市干路系统;交通枢纽

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Discussion of Transportation Mandatory Requirements in Urban Planning for Small–Medium Cities: A Case Study in Ping’an County, Qinghai

Yang Shaohui1, Qin Hui2, Zhang Yang1
(1.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100044, China; 2.Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Beijing 100045, China)

Abstract: Through analyzing the requirements and existing problems in urban planning, this paper investigates the suitability and implementation of transportation mandatory requirements in urban planning. Using Ping’an as an example, the paper points out that the rail transit lines extension requirement for large cities should not be mandatory for urban planning in small-medium cities, and the rail transit route selection should be focused on minor corridors and non-arterial major corridors where the right- of-way is at least 40 meters. Urban planning should consider arterial roadway network rather than all minor and higher grades roadways as the mandatory elements. Because the key element for the layout of transportation terminals is land use control, this paper proposes the principles for land use control of transportation terminal. Considering different types of passenger terminals, the land use for passenger terminal can be estimated by the sum of all the land uses. Based on the freight flow logistics and warehouses, and rail and highway freight terminals, the land use for freight terminals can be estimated as well. Finally, the paper illustrates the above suggestions through an urban planning in Ping’an County, Qinghai.

Keywords: transportation planning; urban general planning; mandatory requirements; urban rail transit; urban arterial roadway system; transportation terminals