2014年 第1期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)01-0066-08


摘要: 对道路运输效率科学认识的缺乏,会导致设计理念的偏颇、道路资源配置的实际作用与其设 计初衷的差异和交通问题的加剧。针对道路运输效率进行分析,认为合理减少出行时耗是提高道路 运输效率的关键。在国内外干、支路车道资源配置,主、辅路车道资源配置,以及干、支路衔接模 式的研究基础上,指出国内将提高通行能力和保障干路车速作为交通改善目的的逻辑性错误是导致 路网结构失调,干、支路衔接不便的重要原因。最后,通过车道边际效用分析,以及干、支路, 主、辅路车道资源增减对交通及城市功能的影响分析,得到车道资源合理配置的一般性方法。

关键词: 交通规划;道路运输效率;车道资源配置;时耗;边际效用

中图分类号: U491.2+2


A Study on Lane Allocation Based on Road Transport Efficiency

Cai Jun1, Zhang Lihui2, Zhang Yi1
(1.School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116024, China; 2.School of Transportation and Logistics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116024, China)

Abstract: Lack of adequate understanding on road transport efficiency can lead to improper design, discrepancies in functionalities between the actual and designed lane allocation, and worse traffic problems. Through extensive analysis, this paper reveals that travel time reduction plays a critical role in improving the efficiency of road transport. After studying the lane allocation on both arterial/local roadways and main/ side roads, as well as the collection patterns between arterial and local roadways, the paper indicates that improving traffic operation through roadway capacity enhancement and travel speed increase on arterial roadways results in the structural imbalance of the roadway network and inefficient connection between arterial and local roadways. Finally, the paper presents a methodology for effective lane allocation by analyzing the lane marginal utility and the impact of increasing or reducing the lanes at main/side roads on transportation and urban functionalities.

Keywords: transportation planning; road transport efficiency; lane allocation; travel time; marginal utility