2014年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)03-0030-08

(1. 中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院,上海200335;2. 中国城市规划设计研究院,北京100037)

摘要: 区域一体化发展是城市连绵地区发展的必然规律,以区域协调发展的视角审视和制定城市区 域交通发展战略是城市参与区域竞争、充分融入区域的必然选择。通过趋势预测、案例借鉴、横向 类比等方法,提出以区域一体化和均衡服务的视角合理布局铁路通道和枢纽,构建上海五向通达的 铁路网络强化区域枢纽地位,建设浦东铁路枢纽提供均衡的铁路服务;从分工协作的视角优化航空 枢纽的功能,在上海浦东和虹桥合理分工的基础上,加快建设浦东机场的城际铁路系统加强与区域 的对接;从转型提质的视角制定航运枢纽发展路径,促进上海航运枢纽向高端航运服务的转型,加 快国际航运中心功能的完善。

关键词: 区域交通;发展战略;高速铁路枢纽;航空枢纽;航运枢纽;上海

中图分类号: TU984.191

文献标识码:A DOI:10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2014.0305

Shanghai Regional Transportation Development Strategy

Zhao Yixin1, Lv Dawei2, Li Bin1, Cai Runlin1, Ye Min2
(1. Shanghai Branch of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Shanghai 200335, China; 2. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: With the integration and coordination among cities within megalopolis, it is necessary for cities to develop regional transportation strategies to facilitate its cooperation and participation into the regional competition. Based on trend prediction, case studies and the analogy approach, this paper proposes to plan railway corridors and transit terminals from the perspective of regional integration and balanced service, including developing effective railway network in Shanghai to enhance its regional functionalities and building Pudong railway terminal to provide balanced service. To optimize the functionality of air transportation hub, the paper emphasizes not only the coordinated development of Shanghai Pudong and Hongqiao Airports but also the effective connection of intercity railway system in Pudong Airport. Finally, the paper proposes development strategies for Shanghai air transportation hub to facilitate its development reform and functionalities improvement.

Keywords: regional transportation; development strategy; high-speed railway hub; air transportation hub; shipping hub; Shanghai