2014年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)03-0052-07

(1. 中国城市规划设计研究院,北京100037;2. 拉萨市住房和城乡建设局,西藏拉萨850000)

摘要: 2011 年,武汉提出了建设国家中心城市的目标,建设交通枢纽城市是其核心职能之一。首先 从交通的角度,审视近现代100 多年间武汉城市地位和功能的演变,提出在特定的经济组织模式 下,交通“源流”的变化和交通方式的变革是影响武汉城市发展的重要因素。然后,对经济转型和 内需导向背景下,武汉地理中心性的区位特征和长江中游航运中心的交通条件进行分析,从“中部 对外门户、物流成本洼地、国家运输中枢”等方面解读武汉建设国家中心城市的交通枢纽内涵。最 后,从国际、国家、区域三个层次提出交通发展策略,对重大交通设施布局提出优化建议。

关键词: 交通发展策略;长江航运中心;中部崛起战略;国家中心城市;武汉

中图分类号: TU984.191

文献标识码:A DOI:10.13813/j.cn11-5141/u.2014.0308

Transportation Development Strategy for Wuhan towards a National Central City

Chen Sha1, Quan Bo1, Ye Feng2
(1. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China; 2. Lasa Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Lasa Xizang 850000, China)

Abstract: In 2011, Wuhan initiated the goal of developing itself towards a national central city, where transportation terminal development is one of the key functionalities. By reviewing the evolution of modern Wuhan city’s position and functionalities through transportation development, this paper points out that the change of travel “source” and modes has a significant impact on the development of Wuhan under given economic patterns. In the context of economic transformation and domestic demand-oriented development, the paper analyzes the characteristics of Wuhan as a geographic center and traffic conditions as the shipping center at the middle stream of Yangtze River. The essence of developing Wuhan towards a national central city is discussed in several aspects: central foreign portal, logistics costs depression area, and national transportation terminal. Finally, the paper proposes transportation development strategies from the international, national and regional levels along with suggestions to optimize the layout of major transportation facilities.

Keywords: transportation development strategy; shipping center of the Yangtze River; rising strategy of central China; national central city;Wuhan