2014年 第4期
打造“微笑街道”——《城市步行和自行车 交通系统规划设计导则》设计体系解读

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)04-0011-08

姜洋1, 2,王江燕1,何东全3
(1.宇恒可持续交通研究中心,北京100004;2.清华大学建筑学院,北京100084;3.美国能源基金会北京代表 处,北京100004)

摘要: 在中国城市步行和自行车出行环境日益恶化、出行分担率普遍下滑的背景下,针对住房城乡 建设部发布的《城市步行和自行车交通系统规划设计导则》(以下简称《导则》)设计体系进行解 读。首先介绍《导则》的编制思路,以及由交通设施设计和交通环境设计组成的设计体系。《导 则》编制过程中提出“微笑街道”(SMILE Street)设计理念,强调对人的关注、提升城市街道空间 品质。重点分析“微笑街道”的五大设计原则:小尺度(Small)、维护运营(Maintained)、整合协调 (Integrated)、街道活力(Lively)和愉悦舒适(Enjoyable),总结步行和自行车交通系统规划设计的主要技 术要点和设计参数。

关键词: 步行和自行车交通;微笑街道;规划设计;导则

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Designing “SMILE Street”: Discussion on the Design System in the Guideline for Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation System Planning and Design

Jiang Yang1, 2,Wang Jiangyan1, He Dongquan3
(1. China Sustainable Transportation Center, Beijing 100004, China; 2. School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3. Energy Foundation Beijing Office, Beijing 100004, China)

Abstract: Facing ever-worsening pedestrian and bicycle travel environment and a general decline in travel mode share of pedestrian and bicycle in China, this paper discusses the design system in the Guideline for Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation System Planning issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban- rural Development. The paper first reviews the principles of guideline development, and the system design content for transportation facility and travel environment. The “SMILE Street” design is proposed in the development of the guideline to emphasize people’s concern and to improve the quality of urban street surroundings. With the five design principles of “SMILE Street”, namely, Small, Maintained, Integrated, Lively and Enjoyable, the paper summarizes key points and design parameters for pedestrian and bicycle transportation system planning.

Keywords: pedestrian and bicycle transportation; SMILE street; planning and design; guideline