2014年 第5期
基于GIS 的公交模型数据库构建及维护

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)05-0065-07


摘要: 道路网络的修改直接影响公共交通线路数据的同步更新维护,大大增加了维护的工作量和复 杂性。通过分析常用交通规划软件公交模型数据库的特点,研究基于动态分段技术的公交模型数据 库结构。分别设计和开发了公交模型数据库的自动创建以及在不同路网间采用GIS 方法进行移植的 软件工具。探讨公交线路自动创建和移植的功能、算法流程、软件开发,并应用于大型工程项目。 该软件工具的应用实现了公交模型数据和道路网络模型数据独立编辑,在提高工作效率的同时大大 降低了维护模型和数据库的复杂性。

关键词: 公交模型数据库;动态分段;公交线路移植

中图分类号: :U491.5+4


Development and Maintenance of a GIS-based Transit Model Database

Zhang Tianran
(Shanghai Urban Planning & Design Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Alteration in roadway network directly affects the synchronization of transit line data, and therefore significantly increases the workload and complexity of maintenance. By analyzing the characteristics of transit model database for several commonly used transportation planning software packages, this paper studies the structure of the dynamic segmentation-based transit model database. The paper develops software tools for automatic creation and transfer of transit model database among different roadway networks using the GIS. The functionalities, algorithm flowchart, and software development are discussed. Application of such software tools in large projects can separately edit transit model data and roadway network model data, hence significantly improves the efficiency and reducing the complexity for maintaining the models and databases.

Keywords: transit model database; dynamic segmentation; transfer of transit lines