2014年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)05-0018-08


摘要: 在公共交通优先发展政策的强力推动和地方政府积极参与“公交都市”申报的背景下,《公 交都市考核评价指标体系》引发行业内部激烈讨论。首先,分析评价指标体系的“倒金字塔”层次 结构,总结交通运输部、业界和学界各方观点。其次,明确应从面向乘客的需求导向指标和高质量 的用户服务两个角度进行理念更新,提出“公交都市”考核评价指标体系由法律法规与制度设计、 规划实施、运营管理和用户服务四个层次构成的“正金字塔”层次结构。进而探讨“公交都市”本 源、公交出行分担率和创新发展三方面问题。最后,提出“公交都市”创建应关注的内容,并强调 补充完善考核评价指标体系的必要性和紧迫性。

关键词: 公共交通优先;公交都市;考核评价;指标体系;公交出行分担率

中图分类号: :U491.1+7


Evaluation System for Public Transit Service in Transit-Oriented Urban Areas

Wei He1, Dai Jifeng2
(1.Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China; 2.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: Under the strong promotion for prioritizing public transportation development and local governments’ active application for “transit-oriented cities”, then publication of Evaluation System for Transit- Oriented Cities has triggered heated discussions among urban transportation professionals. This paper first analyzes the “inverted pyramid” hierarchical structure of the recently published evaluation system and summarizes the various views on this issues from the Ministry of Transport, transportation professionals and academia. Through emphasizing the passenger-oriented evaluation indicator and high-quality user services, the paper proposes an evaluation system for “transit-oriented cities” with a “pyramid” hierarchical structure that consists of four levels: laws/regulations and system design, planning implementation, operation and management, and user services. The original concept of “transit- oriented cities”, public transit mode share and innovative development are also discussed. Finally, the paper urges people to focus on the basic content of “transit-oriented cities” and points out the necessity and significance in improving the evaluation system.

Keywords: public transportation priority; transit-oriented cities; evaluation; indicator system; public transit mode share