2014年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)06-0045-04


摘要: 中国市郊铁路发展尚处于起步阶段,发展滞后、缓慢。通过国内外比较研究和典型案例分 析,提出阻碍中国市郊铁路健康快速发展的三方面问题:一是缺乏有规模、流动性强的基础设施 网络,使发展市郊铁路缺乏基本条件;二是城市和铁路部门长期未能跳出所在部门的思维定势,对 市郊铁路的城市交通作用缺乏认识;三是铁路运输市场由铁路总公司垄断,使市郊铁路的各类市场 激励措施难以发挥作用。基于此指出,市郊铁路的健康发展需要加大基础设施建设力度,发挥市郊 铁路在城市交通中的作用,同时改革铁路运输市场,促进市场竞争。

关键词: 市郊铁路;发展;问题解析

中图分类号: U491


Current Problems in Developing Suburban Railway in China

Zhen Xiaoyan
(Institute of Comprehensive Transportation of National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100038, China)

Abstract: Suburban railway system in China is still at its infancy lagging behind the systems in many other countries and slowly moves forward. Through the comparative studies on domestic and international suburban railways’development and special case studies, this paper points out three problems hurdling the rapid development of suburban railway system in China: first lack of large scale, high mobility railway network that is the basic infrastructure for development, secondly the historically thinking inside the box mentality that does not recognize the significant role of suburban railway system in urban transportation system, thirdly, the monopoly in railway transportation by China Railways Corporation that limits the power of market economy in providing good service. Thus, for the suburban railway system development, it is critical to expedite the infrastructure construction, emphasize its functionalities in urban transportation, and reform railway transportation system for a competitive market.

Keywords: suburban railway; development; problem analysis