2014年 第6期
城市公共自行车系统运营绩效评价 ——以湖南省株洲市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)06-0070-07


摘要: 有关公共自行车系统的研究大多集中于前期的租赁点布局、自行车道建设等方面,对其运营 后的评价研究较少,且缺乏指导性。围绕公共自行车系统运营绩效评价这一主题,首先提出评价指 标体系构建原则和方法。进而从建设投入水平、运营服务水平、综合效益水平3 个准则层面共19 项 指标构建评价指标体系。基于该方法对湖南省株洲市公共自行车系统进行评价,结果显示,其整体 发展运营情况良好,但信息化水平还有提升空间。最后,对株洲市公共自行车系统发展提出优化建 议和措施。

关键词: 交通规划;公共自行车;绩效评价;指标体系;株洲

中图分类号: U491.2+25


Performance Evaluation for Urban Bike Sharing System: A Case Study in Zhuzhou, Hunan

Zeng Zhen
(Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Guangdong 518031, China)

Abstract: Most previous studies on bike sharing system focus on the distribution of rental stations and construction of bicycle lanes, while neglect the performance evaluation and guidance. Centering on performance evaluation on bike sharing system, this paper first proposes principles and methodology for establishment of the evaluation indices framework. Considering the level of construction investment, operation and service, and comprehensive benefits, the evaluation indices system consisting of 19 indicators at three criteria levels is developed. Based on the method, the performance of bike sharing system in Zhuzhou, Hunan is evaluated. Results show that the overall development and operation of the system is good, but the level of roadway service and information development is relatively low. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on the development of bike sharing system in Zhuzhou.

Keywords: transportation planning; bike sharing; performance evaluation; indices system; Zhuzhou