2014年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2014)06-0077-05


摘要: 城市轨道交通在带来交通便利的同时,其建设和运营引发的环境问题也日益突出,尤其是运 营期间的振动对沿线文物的影响已经成为线路布设的重要约束条件。在梳理中国文物保护法规条例 对城市轨道交通规划布局要求的基础上,分析当前轨道交通规划环评工作中文物振动影响评价存在 的问题和难点,包括部分类型文物的振动影响无法评估、评价技术规范不易掌握和运用、城市轨道 交通规划内容不够具体、城市地质土质条件差异较大等。最后,针对上述问题从完善细化导则规范 及评价方法、类比土质参数等方面提出建议和对策。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;规划环评;文物;振动影响评价

中图分类号: U491


Evaluation of Vibration Impact on Cultural Relics during Environment Impact Assessment of Urban Rail Transit Planning

He Jicheng, Xu Honglei, Zhong Ping,Wu Rui
(Division of Environment and Resources Research, Transport Planning and Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100028, China)

Abstract: While urban rail transit improves convenience of transportation, environmental issues due to rail construction and operation have become ever protruding. In particular, the impact on cultural relics along the route caused by the operation vibration has become an important restriction for the layout of rail transit lines. Based on the requirements of heritage conservation law in China on urban rail transit planning, this paper analyzes issues and difficulties in evaluating the vibration impact on cultural relics in the current environment impact assessment of rail transit planning. Major issues include unavailable assessment on certain types of cultural relics, insufficient usage of related evaluation specifications, non-detailed urban rail transit planning, and significant differences in geological and soil conditions between cities. Finally, the paper provides suggestions to address these issues from several aspects, including improving specifications and evaluation methodologies, and analogizing the parameters of soil texture, and etc.

Keywords: urban rail transit; environment impact assessment; cultural relics; vibration impact evaluation