2015年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)03-0001-04


摘要: 信息技术的不断发展为城市交通运行改善带来新的契机,城市交通与信息化是一个对中国未 来城镇化模式影响非常深远的命题。首先从道路交通管理、公共交通服务、交通综合信息平台等六 个方面阐述中国交通信息化的发展状况,总结交通信息化在信息采集、数据分析、决策支持、信息 发布以及社会关注五个方面的发展趋势。指出交通信息化应更关注城市交通、都市圈交通的特点, 在认识城市交通本质和服务对象的基础上进行总体设计。最后,强调智能交通信息化发展目标应与 城市整体发展目标相一致,应考虑公众、企业、政府层面的不同诉求进行交通信息化的顶层设计。

关键词: 城市交通;智能交通;交通信息化;顶层设计;互联网

中图分类号: U491


Urban Transportation and Informatization

Wang Guangtao
(The China Science Center of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100107, China)

Abstract: The development of information technology has brought in new opportunities to improve the operation of urban transportation. Urban transportation and informatization represents a far-reaching topic for China's future urbanization. This paper first reviews the development of transportation informatization in China in six aspects including the traffic management, public transportation services, and integrated transportation information platform. The paper also outlines the development trend of transportation informatization in five aspects: information collection, data analysis, decision support, information release and social concern. Focusing on the characteristics of urban transportation and transportation within large metropolitan area, the paper points out that transportation informatization should be designed with the objectives of urban transportation development in mind. Finally, the paper emphasizes that the development goals of transportation informatization should be consistent with urban comprehensive development and the top-level design of transportation informatization should consider the diversified needs from general public, enterprises and governments.

Keywords: urban transportation; intelligent transportation; transportation informatization; top- level design; Internet