2015年 第3期
服务导向型公共交通快速通勤系统发展 ——以北京市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)03-0024-10

(1.北京交通发展研究中心,城市交通运行仿真与决策支持北京市重点实验室,北京100073;2.同济大学交通运 输工程学院,上海200092)

摘要: 快速城镇化背景下中长距离通勤矛盾日渐突出,如何用集约化的客运方式解决这一问题是现 阶段的主要挑战。首先指出北京市现状公共交通系统存在服务级配结构失衡、线路空间组织方式与 需求分布适配性差等问题。结合公共交通快速通勤系统的服务对象和概念,从时间感知、出行舒适 度、在途时间使用等角度分析实现快速的途径。对潜在的多样化需求进行细分,从全出行链的角度 出发探讨差异化的应对策略。最后,以服务导向为基本思路,提出公共汽(电)车骨干快线网络概念 方案,从完善制度建设、打造服务级配、构建无缝换乘和高水平接驳体系等方面提出公共交通快速 通勤系统建设的关键策略和建议。

关键词: 城市公共交通;快速通勤系统;服务导向型发展;定制商务班车;公共汽(电)车骨干快线;北京

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Development of Service-oriented Rapid Commuting System: A Case Study in Beijing

An Jian1, Zhang Dong2, Yao Guangzheng1, Sun Ling1
(1.Beijing Transportation Research Center, Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Transportation Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing 100073, China; 2.School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: The rapid urbanization and ever-increasing imbalance between supply and demand of medium and long-distance commuting travel urgently call for utilizing mass public transit services, as solutions to traffic congestion problems, which challenges the existing urban transportation system. This paper first discusses the current problems of public transit system in Beijing including incomplete service hierarchical system, unmatched spatial distribution of public transit lines and travel demand. Based on the objectives and concept of rapid commuting system, the paper analyzes influential factors on travel speed of public transit in several aspects including time perception, travel comfort, and actual travel time. Subdividing potential diversified demands, the paper discusses differentiating strategies based on the complete travel chain. Finally, aiming at service-orientated development, the paper proposes a network of arterial express bus lines. The paper also provides the strategies and suggestions in developing a rapid commuting system by improving institutional system, establishing hierarchic service structure, and developing seamless transfer and high-quality connection system.

Keywords: rban public transit; rapid commuting system; service- oriented development; specially scheduled commuting bus service; bus arterial expressway; Beijing