2015年 第3期
C 规划:沧州市步行和自行车友好街巷规划设计

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)03-0050-13


摘要: 通过比较全球近60 座城市的交通发展模式,针对中国中小城市以步行和自行车交通为主的 出行特征,提出C模式概念,即步行和自行车导向型交通模式。以河北省沧州市为例,分析C模式 下的典型问题与居民出行需求。基于此,提出适应步行和自行车交通发展的C规划3C理念,即具 有中国特色、步行和自行车友好、跨越用地边界的街道规划。C规划的重点是利用并连通既有城市 支路与街巷,形成步行和自行车优先通行的廊道网络;C设计的重点是基于步行和自行车交通特征 和公众意愿,通过跨界设计实现不同出行群体的和谐共生。以沧州市核心区为例进行规划实践并展 示典型街巷设计案例。

关键词: 步行和自行车交通;街道设计;C模式;C规划;C设计;步行和自行车友好街巷

中图分类号: U412.37


C Plan: Pedestrian & Bicycle-Friendly Street Planning and Design in Cangzhou City

XiongWen1, Jiang Chao1, Yan Hai1,Wang Zhongchang2
(1. Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2. Cangzhou Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, Cangzhou Hebei 061001, China)

Abstract: Through comparing transportation development patterns in nearly 60 cities of the world, this paper proposes C Mode (pedestrian & bicycle-oriented transportation pattern) concept according to the travel characteristics of small and medium- sized Chinese cities where walking and bicycling are main travel modes. Taking Cangzhou in Hebei as an example, the paper analyzes the typical problems and residents' travel demand under C Mode, based on which a “3C” principles is proposed to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle transportation development. This 3C principle reflects the unique Chinese characteristics in pedestrian & bicycle-friendly design, and street planning beyond land use boundary. Utilizing and connecting the existing local roads and streets, C Plan focuses on developing the corridor network with the prioritized pedestrian and bicycle travel. Based on characteristics of pedestrian and bicycle travel and general public preferences, C Design emphasizes the coordination among various travel communities for traveling harmoniously. The paper presents the case studies of street design and planning practice for Cangzhou core area.

Keywords: pedestrian and bicycle transportation; street design; C Mode; C Plan; C Design; pedestrian & bicycle-friendly street