2015年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)04-0001-07

张晓春1,邵源1 ,宋家骅1,吕国林1,陈蔚2
(1.深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心,广东深圳518034;2.深圳市交通信息与交通工程重点实验室,广东深 圳518034)

摘要: 深圳市制定和实施了若干小汽车交通需求管理政策,完善相关政策的法制保障成为政策实施 的关键问题。首先结合深圳市交通需求管理实践经验,梳理小汽车增量调控、停车收费政策的制定 与实施情况。指出交通需求管理政策的制定与实施面临经济杠杆存在法理争议、行政手段法律依据 不足和程序合法性存疑等法治障碍。进而提出在国家层面构建交通管理法治体系、在地方层面完善 法律法规以及规范交通需求管理政策出台程序等完善路径。

关键词: 交通政策;交通需求管理;法治;拥挤收费;停车调节费;限购

中图分类号: U491


Legal Implications of Travel Demand Management Policy in Shenzhen

Zhang Xiaochun1, Shao Yuan1, Song Jiahua1, Lyu Guolin1, ChenWei2
(1.Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518034, China; 2.Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Traffic Information and Traffic Engineering, Shenzhen Guangdong 518034, China)

Abstract: To control and manage the demand for vehicle ownership, several policies have been developed and issued in Shenzhen. The key to successfully implement these policies comes from legal implications. Based on the travel demand management experience in Shenzhen, this paper reviews the development and implementation of policies on controlling vehicle ownership increase and parking charge. The paper points out that the obstacles to the policies implementation reside in the legal arguments in using the economic development as leverage, inadequate legal basis for administrative measures, validity of procedures, and etc. Targeting those policy implementation problems, the paper proposes improvement measures including developing the law governing schemes for travel management at a national level, improving laws and regulations, and standardizing policy-making procedures for travel demand management at a local level.

Keywords: transportation policy; travel demand management; rule of law; congestion pricing; parking adjustment fee; car purchase restriction