2015年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)04-0012-06


摘要: 多地监管部门针对专车服务所进行的黑车式查处使得中国刚刚兴起的专车服务面临困境,是 否应鼓励专车服务成为时下的热点话题。为解决专车服务在中国出租汽车市场所遭遇的身份尴尬问 题,综合考虑出租汽车服务的准公共性、专车服务的现实需要以及合规性等因素展开探讨。指出尽 管专车服务存在不符合法规的现象,但在中国却拥有广阔的市场发展前景。进而提出对待专车服务 所采取的正确措施应该是:通过完善法律法规、适度放松数量管制、适度放松价格管制、加强质量 与安全管制等措施,引导、规范不符合法规的专车服务行为,实现专车服务市场的规范化。

关键词: 交通管理;出租汽车;法律规制;专车服务;市场准入

中图分类号: :U491.1+2


Regulations on Special Car Reservation Service and Taxi Marke

Yin Xin, Zhang Changqing
(School of Law, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: Investigations by local supervisory authorities in many cities on unlicensed vehicle providing taxi service have made the emerging special car reservation service face a terrible predicament. Whether to encourage special car reservation service is becoming a hot conversation topic. In order to address the awkward identity problem for special car reservation service in China, this paper discusses the quasi-public nature of taxi service, current need for special car reservation service and its legality. Although special car reservation service does not accord with the existing laws and regulations, it does have a broad market potential in China. Because of this, the paper proposes the practical solutions for special car reservation service: through standardizing the governing laws and regulations to reasonably lessen the control on quantity and price of special car reservation services and to enhance quality control and safety management. All these measurements would help to normalize the special car reservation market.

Keywords: traffic management; taxi; regulations; special car reservation service; market access