2015年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)04-0018-05


摘要: 出租汽车兼具个体交通和公共交通的双重特性,在城市交通系统中具有无可替代的重要作 用。然而,出租汽车独特的服务特征使得如何管理一直备受争议,特别是进入移动互联网时代后, 分歧进一步扩大。基于出租汽车的服务特征,从财产权与制度经济学的视角观察和剖析出租汽车管 制,重新构建出租汽车的管制框架并提出改革思路。指出出租汽车运行的外部环境与技术条件存在 较大地区差异,应允许各地探索有区别的多样化管制模式。对于巡租出租汽车行业,要以价格管制 改革作为切入点;对于约租出租汽车行业,要建立新的监管体系;同时规范汽车合乘,通过汽车共 享平衡专业运输高峰供需关系。

关键词: 出租汽车;价格管制;财产权;经营权;移动互联网技术

中图分类号: :U491


Regulation Reform for Taxi Sector in a Mobile Internet Era

Su Kui
(Guangzhou Bureau of Public Passenger Transportation, Guangzhou Guangdong 510010, China)

Abstract: With the dual characteristics of individual transport mode and transit, taxi plays an essential role in urban transportation system. However, many controversies have been existing due to its inher-ent characteristics. These controversies are even more intense entering into a mobile Internet era. Based on the characteristics of taxi service, this paper discusses taxi regulation from perspectives of property right and institutional economics, and proposes a framework for taxi market regula-tion along with reform suggestions. Considering the significant differences in external environ-ment and technical conditions for taxi industries among different cities, the paper suggests to de-velop different regulatory regimes. The paper emphasizes reforming price control system for the cruising taxi services and developing a new regulation system for hire vehicle market. And at the same time, it is necessary to promote not for profit car-pooling and car-sharing practices to man-age supply-demand balance during peak hours.

Keywords: taxi; price control; property right; operation right; mobile Internet technology