2015年 第4期
大城市公共停车场建设困境与对策 ——以杭州市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)04-0037-07


摘要: 在各城市开展城市交通拥堵治理的大背景下,推进公共停车场建设成为缓解大城市停车难的 重要手段。首先,指出在公共停车场建设过程中存在项目落实难、实施乱、建设主体单一、审批复 杂、产业化发展滞后等问题。结合杭州市实践经验,提出通过设立专职机构、加强规划管理、确保 用地供给、研究鼓励政策、简化审批手续等手段对公共停车场的建设进行保障。最后,从停车发展 策略、行政审批、停车产业化、市场管理、停车位共享及停车诱导等方面提出未来发展对策。

关键词: 静态交通;公共停车场;停车位;实施策略;停车产业化

中图分类号: U491.7


Countermeasures for Public Parking Facilities Construction in Large Cities: A Case Study in Hangzhou

GuoWenkui, Liu Shubin
(Hangzhou Comprehensive Transport Research Center, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310006, China)

Abstract: To control and relieve traffic congestion in many cities, promoting construction of public parking facilities has become an important step to alleviate existing parking problems in large cities. This paper first discusses the existing problems in the construction of public parking facilities, including difficulty in the project implementation, irregular practice, single construction unit, complex approval procedures, regressive industry development, and etc. Based on the practice experience in Hangzhou, the paper proposes to ensure the construction of public parking facilities through establishing specialized institutions, improving planning management, ensuring land supply, developing promotion policies, simplifying approval procedures and other means. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on future development in several aspects: parking development strategies, administrative approval, parking industrialization, market management, parking space sharing and parking guidance.

Keywords: static transportation; public parking lots; implementation strategies; parking industrialization