2015年 第4期
政府如何支持公私合营模式发展 ——20个欧洲国家PPP的政府支持情况评估比较

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)04-0082-14

Koen Verhoest1, Ole Helby Petersen2,Walter Scherrer3, Raden Murwantara Soecipto1 著,张帆4 译
(1.安特卫普大学政策系公共行政和管理研究组,比利时安特卫普22000;2.罗斯基勒大学社会和全球化系,丹麦 罗斯基勒DK-4000;3.萨尔斯堡大学经济系和萨尔茨堡欧盟研究中心,奥地利萨尔茨堡95010;4.中国城市规划设 计研究院,北京100037)

摘要: 本文从制度的视角构建一个政府支持公私合营模式(Public Private Partnership, PPP)程度的指 数——PPP政府支持指数(PPP Governmental Support Index, GSI)——以评估政府规定的制度体系对在 交通基础设施和其他行业引入和推广PPP具有何种程度的促进或阻碍作用。首先,基于大量文献综 述界定PPP政府支持指数的要素,包括关于PPP的政策和政治承诺、法律和监管框架,以及精心设 计的PPP支持安排。其次,计算20 个欧洲国家的PPP政府支持指数,将其分类并比较各国政府对基 础设施领域PPP支持程度的异同。再次,探讨20 个欧洲国家的制度指数得分与基础设施领域PPP行 为的潜在联系。最后,讨论当前的PPP政府支持指数的潜力、实用性以及方法局限性,并详细阐述 如何将该指数用于加强交通或其他领域PPP的比较研究中。

关键词: 公私合营模式;PPP政府支持指数;欧洲;比较研究

中图分类号: U491


How Do Governments Support the Development of Public Private Partnerships? Measuring and Comparing PPP Governmental Support in 20 European Countries

Written by Koen Verhoest1, Ole Helby Petersen2, Walter Scherrer3, Raden Murwantara Soecipto1, Translated by Zhang Fan4
(1.Research Group on Public Administration and Management, Department of Politics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp 22000, Belgium; 2. Department of Society and Globalization, University of Roskilde, Roskilde DK-4000, Denmark; 3. Department of Economics and Salzburg Center of European Union Studies, University of Salzburg, Salzburg 95010, Austria; 4. China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Taking an institutional perspective, in this article we develop an index of the governmental support for public private partnership(PPP)—a‘PPP Governmental Support Index’(GSI)—which aims to measure the extent to which national governments provide an institutional framework that is either conducive or preventive for the introduction and diffusion of PPPs within transport infrastructure and other sectors. First, based on a substantive review of the literature, we define the elements of the PPP GSI, including the policy and political commitment regarding PPPs, the legal and regulatory framework, and the presence/absence of dedicated PPP-supporting arrangements. Second, we calculate the PPP GSI for 20 European countries, cluster them and compare similarities and differences in national governmental support of infrastructure PPPs. Third, we explore the potential link between national institutional index scores and infrastructure PPP activity in the 20 countries. Lastly, we discuss the potential and usefulness of the presented PPP GSI, as well as methodological limitations, and elaborate on how this index might be utilized to strengthen future comparative research on PPP in transport and other sectors.

Keywords: public private partnership; PPP Governmental Support Index; Europe; comparative research