2015年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)05-0024-06


摘要: 随着中国大量铁路客运枢纽的建成使用以及铁路建设机制的变化,有必要对枢纽规划建设经 验进行总结。铁路客运枢纽规划建设需要解决的问题主要体现在管理机制和设计理念两方面。管理 机制方面,存在铁路与地方规划部门脱节、枢纽各方建设主体缺乏互动、缺少公众参与和社会监督 等问题。对此提出建立铁路建设各个阶段与城市规划的衔接机制,出台枢纽规划建设统一标准,贯 彻建设运营一体化的思路,建立公众参与和社会监督机制等规划建设管理思路。同时指出枢纽规划 建设中需坚持枢纽与城市一体化发展、公交优先、集约利用土地、因地制宜和以人为本的设计 理念。

关键词: 铁路客运枢纽;综合客运交通枢纽;枢纽规划;城市规划;管理机制;设计理念

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Railway Terminals Planning and Construction: Management System and Design Concept

Zhou Tiezheng
(The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300142, China)

Abstract: With a large number of new railway terminals in operation and railway construction reform, it is necessary to look back the experience of terminals planning and construction for improvement. This paper points out that main issues of railway terminals planning and construction are centered on management system and design concept. The disconnection between railway and local planning departments, inadequate cooperation among different terminal construction agencies, and lack of public participation and community supervision are identified as main problems in the management system. To resolve these problems, the paper suggests strengthening the connection between urban planning and railway construction throughout all terminal development stages, using uniform standard for terminal planning and construction, integrating and streamlining construction and operation, and establishing the protocol for public participation and community supervision. The paper also points out that terminal planning and construction requires strong coordination with local urban area development, public transit priority, intensive land use development, and context sensitivity design concept that stresses user-oriented services..

Keywords: railway terminals; comprehensive public transit terminals; terminal planning; urban planning; management system; design concept