2015年 第5期
城市中心历史街区更新 ——以希腊雅典交通影响事前评价为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)05-0085-11

Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou1, Matthew G. Karlaftis1, Ilias Gkotsis1, Eleni Vlahogianni1, Antony Stathopoulos1 著,耿雪2 译

摘要: 现代城市地区城市更新项目通常与交通系统结构和运营的重要变化相结合。采用事前评价方 法从城市范围层面探讨希腊雅典中心区一条主要干路改造为步行街项目的交通影响。通过构建几种 情景,展现项目实施后的交通状况。研究结果显示,尽管短期交通状况会恶化,但项目带来的潜在 交通消散将显著改善中心区交通和环境状况。

关键词: 事前评价;步行街;交通消散;城市更新

中图分类号: U491


Urban Regeneration in Historic Downtown Areas: An Ex-Ante Evaluation of Traffic Impacts in Athens, Greece

Written by Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou1, Matthew G. Karlaftis1, Ilias Gkotsis1, Eleni Vlahogianni1, Antony Stathopoulos1, Translated by Geng Xue2
(1.Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens 10682, Greece; 2.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Urban regeneration projects in modern metropolitan areas often incorporate major changes in the structure and operations of a city's transportation system. In this paper we discuss the traffic impacts of such a project—the pedestrianization of a major arterial, in the Athens, Greece, downtown area—by applying an ex-ante evaluation of the project on a city-wide level. A scenario planning approach is adopted to represent post-project traffic conditions. Findings indicate that although in the short-run traffic conditions will worsen, a potential traffic evaporation resulting from the project could significantly improve traffic and environmental conditions in the Athens downtown area.

Keywords: ex-ante evaluation; pedestrianization; traffic dissipation; urban regeneration