2015年 第6期
超大城市公交都市建设路径探索与反思 ——以广州市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)06-0020-07


摘要: 当前中国一系列城市正处于向超大城市转变的关键时期,建设公交都市已经成为摆脱超大 城市交通拥堵的必经之路。采用实证分析方法剖析广州市百年来公共交通的发展历程,回顾梳理不 同发展阶段的特征,同时解构公交都市的内涵,总结广州市公交都市建设的成功经验。通过对比国 内外先进案例,指出广州市公交都市建设在公交运力、公交路权、车站覆盖和车站衔接上存在不 足。以广州市公交都市建设经验为基础,从公交都市的规划、设计、运营、管理四个方面出发,建 议将多元化、协调化、人性化、灵活化作为超大城市公交都市建设的未来发展方向。

关键词: 公共交通;公交都市;城市空间结构;土地利用;超大城市;广州市

中图分类号: U491


Practices and Retrospection on Transit Metropolis Construction for Megacities: A Case Study of Guangzhou

Zhou Helong
(Guangzhou Design Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510000, China)

Abstract: Many Chinese cities are now under transition period heading to megacity scale. By realizing such a significant trend, development of transit metropolis has been considered as the leading fight against traffic congestion. This paper adopts empirical analysis to conclude features of transit system development process in Guangzhou city over past several decades, as well as highlights successful experiences from Guangzhou case. Next, by comparing Guangzhou with other transit metropolises, this paper targets the deficiencies of Guangzhou city in construction of Transit Metropolis, specifically, insufficient transit capacity and bus lanes, low station coverage and weak accessibility. Eventually, standing at those main findings, this paper offers several valuable suggestions in terms of planning, design, operation and management. It recommends a more considerations on diversity, coordination, humanity and flexibility when building future transit metropolis.

Keywords: public transportation; transit metropolis; urban spatial structure; land use; megacity; Guangzhou