2015年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2015)06-0037-09

张本湧1,郑猛1,佘世英1, 2

摘要: 面对沿江高铁和福银高铁十字交汇这一战略机遇,武汉市新一轮高铁枢纽选址布局成为争 论的焦点。延续一线一站、分散布局的传统模式,还是实现高铁与机场的强强联合进而打造辐射中 部的强大空铁联运枢纽,成为关乎城市发展的重大战略决策。基于武汉市区域竞争态势、城市定位 及国家战略,剖析武汉市铁路枢纽现状及拟定选址存在的主要问题。通过总结国内外高铁枢纽布局 体现的空铁联运、选址中心化、铁路枢纽互联互通三个发展趋势,提出将沿江高铁和福银高铁引入 天河国际机场的方案,借鉴上海虹桥枢纽模式打造空铁联运一体化枢纽。最后,重点阐述了武汉市 高铁枢纽规划和铁路总图优化的基本原则和系统规划布局方案。

关键词: 交通规划;高铁枢纽;选址布局;空铁联运;武汉市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Selection of High-speed Railway Terminals and Optimization of Railway System in Wuhan

Zhang Benyong1, Zheng Meng1, She Shiying1, 2
(1.Wuhan Transportation Development Strategy Institute, Wuhan Hubei 430017, China; 2.Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)

Abstract: Facing the strategic opportunity presented by the intersection of Shanghai-Wuhan- Chengdu High-speed Railway line and the Fuzhou-Yinchuan High-speed Railway line, the selection of high-speed railway terminals in Wuhan becomes a hot discussion topic again. Whether following the traditional single line terminal or developing a combined terminal of airport and high- speed railway that can strongly enhance the air and rail transportation in central China has become a major strategic decision affecting Wuhan urban development. Considering the competitive status of the urban area, Wuhan geographic location and the national development strategy, this paper discusses the existing problems in selection of railway terminals and current Wuhan railway terminal layout. By summarizing three development trends of highspeed railway terminals both at home and abroad, including air and railway joint transportation, centralization of site selection, and interconnections among railway terminals, the paper proposes integrating Shanghai- Wuhan-Chengdu High-speed Railway and Fuzhou-Yinchuan High-speed Railway into Wuhan Tianhe International Airport. The Hongqiao Terminal in Shanhai demonstrates a best example of integrating air and railway transportation terminal together for a successful intermodal transportation. The paper elaborates the principles of high- speed railway terminals planning and overall railway layout optimization as well as the system planning framework inWuhan.

Keywords: transportation planning; high- speed railway terminals; site selection and layout; air and railway joint transportation;Wuhan