2016年 第2期
区域交通模型建设思考 ——以广东省综合交通模型为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)02-0059-08

(1. 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心有限公司,广东深圳518021;2. 广东省交通运输规划研究中心,广东广 州510100)

摘要: 中国区域交通一体化迫切需要开展区域交通模型研究,而传统交通模型建模方法在数据基 础、调查方法上的不适用性造成区域交通模型的研究多停留于理论层面。打破传统的交通建模基础 数据需求,明确多层次空间模型体系,依托高速公路联网收费数据,铁路、水运、航空等监测数据 构建广东省综合交通模型。阐述在有限基础数据的背景下广东省综合交通模型框架、路网设置特 点、交通分区方法、出行频次模型、目的地选择模型、区域货运模型等建模的关键技术方法。

关键词: 综合交通模型;区域交通模型;出行频次;目的地选择;联网收费数据;广东省

中图分类号: U491.1+1


Regional Transportation Model Development: A Case Study of Guangdong Comprehensive Transportation Models

Qiu Jiandong1, Liu Heng1, Jin Shuangquan2, Duan Zhongyuan1
(1. Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518021, China; 2. Guangdong Consultation & Service Center of Communications, Guangzhou Guangdong 510100, China)

Abstract: Current regional transportation integration in China urgently needs research on regional transportation models. However, the data and survey methods for traditional travel demand modeling methods are not applicable to the integrated regional transportation system, which has made the regional model development only exist at theoretical level. By going beyond the data requirements for traditional transportation models, this paper develops Guangdong comprehensive transportation models with a multi- level spatial structure using the highway ETC data and monitoring data from railway, water transportation and air transportation. The paper elaborates the crucial techniques of Guangdong comprehensive transportation models with limited data in several aspects: model structure, network setting principles, traffic zoning, travel frequency model, destination choice model, regional freight model, and etc.

Keywords: comprehensive transportation model; regional transportation model; travel frequency; destination choice; ETC data; Guangdong province