2016年 第2期
轨道交通网络的社会公平绩效评价 ——以上海市中心城区为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)02-0075-08


摘要: 城市公共交通是一种特殊的公共资源,影响各个社会群体获得其他发展资源的机会。目前, 中国仍然缺乏评价城市公共交通资源空间配置社会公平绩效的有效方法。基于社会公平理念,以 2010 年上海市中心城区为例,提出轨道交通网络分布的社会公平绩效评价和分析方法。首先,采用 基尼系数和洛伦兹曲线,对轨道交通网络分布和常住人口分布的空间匹配进行社会公平绩效的总体 评价。其次,采用区位熵的方法进行社会公平绩效的空间分析。研究表明:人均享有轨道交通网络 资源水平的空间差异由多种原因造成,这也显示出在城市轨道交通网络分布中应用社会公平概念的 复杂性;在土地使用规划中强调混合功能和职住平衡是提高轨道交通网络分布的社会公平绩效的重 要策略。最后指出,城市轨道交通网络分布的社会公平绩效评价方法可用于同一城市的历时性比较 和不同城市的共时性比较。

关键词: 轨道交通网络;社会公平;绩效评价;上海市

中图分类号: U491


Social Equity Performance Evaluation of Rail Transit Network: A Case Study in Shanghai Central District

Tang Zilai, Jiang Kexin
(College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: Since public transport could be treated as a special public resource, it competes with all other social groups when pursuing limited social resources. As far, China is lack of a convinced methodology to evaluate social equity performance of public resource configuration of public transport system. This paper offers a methodology to evaluate social equity performance for urban rail transit system within Shanghai central district according to the concept of social equity. Firstly, Gini Index and Lorenz Curve are applied to measure the overall performance of social equity based on the spatial match between the distribution of the rail transit network and that of urban residents. Secondly, locational quotient is used to conduct a spatial analysis of social equity. Results reveal that a variety of causes contribute to the spatial difference of receiving rail transit service. It also indicates a complexity of application of social equity in distribution of rail transit network. Moreover, the results suggest the important strategies for improving social equity which are mixed land use development and Jobs-Housing Balance. The social equity performance evaluation methodology for the distribution of the rail transit network provides a research base for both temporal and territorial analysis and comparisons among different cities.

Keywords: rail transit network; social equity; performance evaluation; Shanghai