2016年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)03-0009-05


摘要: 大城市交通拥堵的严重性和复杂性以及新时期的发展形势,对城市综合交通规划编制工作提 出了新要求。首先简要回顾综合交通规划发展的历史沿革,指出行政主管部门内部以及部门之间的 协调问题在短时间内难以妥善解决。然后,分别从顶层设计、供给侧改革和互联网+三个方面阐述 对综合交通规划工作进行的深入思考。顶层设计主要涉及规范名称、明确内容和组织主体三大要 素;供给侧改革主要包含市域快线、地面公交路权和精细化设计等内容;互联网+则重点阐述了倒 逼机制、交通模型和话语权问题。最后,指出国家应明确综合交通规划的法定地位,以充分发挥其 对城市发展的支撑和引导作用;同时,大城市应积极探索城市空间布局与交通发展的反馈互动,加 大部门、区域间的协调力度。

关键词: 综合交通规划;规划编制;顶层设计;供给侧改革;互联网+

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Thoughts on Urban Comprehensive Transportation Planning for Large Cities in the New Era

Ma Xiaoyi
(Guangzhou Transportation Planning Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510030, China)

Abstract: The severity and complexity of traffic congestion in large cities and the development trend in the new era call for new thinking on urban comprehensive transportation planning. By reviewing the evolution of comprehensive transportation planning in China, this paper points out that it is difficult to solve the problems of the insufficient coordination within administration and between different departments in short time periods. Thus, it is important to rethink the comprehensive transportation planning in three aspects: top-level design, supply- side reform, and internet plus. The paper urges to standardize the design specification, clarify planning content and major responsible units in the top-level design, outlines express rail transit service, right of way for public transit, and detailed design for supply-side reform, and stresses reforming travel service, development of transportation models and respect needs of travelers in the era of Internet. Finally, this paper points out that government should clearly legitimize the status of comprehensive transportation planning in order to full utilize its positive impact on large city development. It is critical for large cities to recognize the interaction between urban spatial layout and transportation development, and the importance of effective coordination between different departments and regions.

Keywords: comprehensive transportation planning; planning preparation; top-level design; supply-side reform; Internet plus