2016年 第4期
基于GIS 的城市街道界面连续性研究 ——以济南市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)04-0001-07

姜洋1, 2,辜培钦1,陈宇琳2,毛其智2
(1.宇恒可持续交通研究中心,北京100004;2. 清华大学建筑学院,北京100084)

摘要: 在当前中国城市街道设计回归以人为本的背景下,街道界面连续性问题日益受到关注。评述 街道界面连续性相关研究,指出已有测度方法多采用主观评价或人工计算形式,难以在片区或城市 层面开展系统、定量的评估分析。借鉴国外建筑贴线率计算方法,结合中国实际情况,提出基于 GIS 的街道界面连续性测度方法——最大切面法。以济南市为例,开展路段和区域路网尺度的实证 分析。研究发现,济南市街道界面连续性在空间分布上呈现由市中心向外围逐步下降的趋势,而新 建地区街道界面缺失的问题尤为突出。影响因素方面,街道界面连续性与建筑密度、容积率和路网 密度呈现显著的正相关关系,与道路宽度存在负相关关系。

关键词: 街道界面;连续性;建筑贴线率;GIS

中图分类号: U491


Continuity of Street Facade Analysis with GIS: A Case Study of Jinan City

Jiang Yang1, 2, Gu Peiqin1, Chen Yulin2, Mao Qizhi2
(1.China Sustainable Transportation Center, Beijing 100004, China; 2.School of Architecture Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract: Recently much attention has been paid to the continuity of street facade for promoting humancentered streets. The past studies tended to measure the continuity of street facade through subjective evaluation or manual calculation, which is difficult to make a comprehensive and quantitative assessment for a district or a city. Adapting from the emerging methods used abroad with Chinese context, this paper puts forward a GIS- based method (i.e., maximum transection method) to measure the continuity of street facade. Taking Jinan City as an example, the paper analyzes the continuity of street facade at the levels of street segment and regional roadway network. The results show that the street facade becomes less continuous as it approaches to the city edge, and that streets in the newly-built areas have poorest continuity. The continuity of street facade has a significantly positive correlation with building coverage, floor area ratio and roadway network density, whereas it is negatively associated with the roadway width.

Keywords: street facade; continuity; building conforming line ratio; GIS