2016年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)04-0030-10


摘要: 为加强路内停车秩序管理、提升道路交通运行效率,深圳市在试点片区实施了路内停车收费 管理。依托深圳市路内停车管理系统、道路交通运行指数系统、交通排放检测系统等平台,结合交 通调查,构建以交通为重点,经济、环境和社会为补充的试点片区路内停车收费政策评估体系及评 估模型。评估体系以路内停车的利用率、周转率、违法停车规模以及道路行程车速,轨道交通、公 共汽车站客流量等为核心指标,以商业点客流量、机动车碳排放量、市民使用体验等为辅助指标。 对深圳市试点片区路内停车运行情况进行评估,综合得分为2.32 分,说明收费政策总体实施效果良 好,具备向全市推广的条件。最后,针对存在的问题提出改进建议。

关键词: 交通政策;路内停车;评估体系;试点片区;利用率;周转率

中图分类号: U491.7


A Pilot Study of On-street Parking Charge in Shenzhen

Lin Tao, Lyu Guolin, Tian Feng, Lu Yang
(Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518021, China)

Abstract: To enhance effectiveness of on-street parking management and roadway traffic operation capacity, a pilot study of on-street parking charge is conducted in a Shenzhen district. Based on Shenzhen onstreet parking management system, roadway traffic operation index, transportation emission monitoring, as well as transportation survey, this paper develops an evaluation model of on-street parking charge for the pilot district, which focuses on not only transportation, but also economy, environment and community. The evaluation system uses on-street parking utilization, turnover rate, number of illegal parking events, vehicle travel speed, passenger volumes of rail transit/bus stops as the core indices, and passenger volume at business districts, carbon emissions from motorized traffic and users' experience as the auxiliary indices. A score of 2.32 is obtained for the performance evaluation of on-street parking within pilot district in Shenzhen, which indicates the successful results of pilot parking charge system that should be implemented in the entire city. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on how to further improve the existing on- street parking management.

Keywords: transportation policy; on-street parking; evaluation system; pilot areas; utilization; turnover rate