2016年 第5期
网络约租车对出行方式选择及交通运行 的影响

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)05-0001-08


摘要: 网络约租车为居民提供一种便捷的出行选择。但是,作为以小汽车为运输工具的非集约化出 行方式,网络约租车应当在与城市规模、功能布局等相适配的前提下适度、有序发展。结合2015 年7 月和11 月组织的两次北京市网约车用户问卷调查结果,量化计算网约车发展后居民出行方式选 择的变化,以及由此带来的道路资源分配变化。数据扩样测算结果显示:北京市网络约租车出行规 模已极为庞大,日出行量高达352.6 万人次,约占全市出行总量的11%,其中转移自公共交通和自 行车交通的比例高达58%。道路交通运行跟踪监测结果显示:网络约租车每日增加小汽车出行量 33.0 万车次,占六环内小汽车出行总量的2.7%,与北京市2015 年前三季度交通指数较2014 年同 期增长20%有较高相关性。最后,针对促进网络约租车有序发展提出相关建议。

关键词: 网络约租车;出行方式选择;交通运行状况;调查问卷;北京市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


The Impact of APP-Based Car Sharing on Travel Mode Shift and Transportation Operation Performance

Gao Yong, An Jian, Quan Yuxiang
(Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Transportation Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing 100073, China)

Abstract: The APP-based car-sharing/hailing provides a convenient travel option for citizens. However, as a non-intensive travel mode, the development of car-sharing/hailing should take urban scale, economic development level, land use, and transportation system into account. Referring to two questionnaire surveys distributed in Beijing's App- based car- sharing/hailing users which is conducted in July and November, 2015, this study estimates the changes of residents' travel mode choice and road spaces distribution after APP-based car- sharing/hailing is activated. The results show that the car- sharing/hailing users are enormous in number, daily trip is as high as 3.526 million, which is about 11% of total travel of Beijing. Note that 58% of total trips are transferred from public transportation or cyclists. In addition, the traffic operation monitoring survey shows that, daily private car trips are increased by 0.33 million after APP-based carsharing/ hailing, accounting 2.7% of car trips within the region of the 6th Ring Road; Beijing traffic index had increased 20% in 2015 by comparing with 2014. Finally, suggestions are proposed to promote a healthy development of such a new mode.

Keywords: APP-based car sharing; travel mode choice; traffic operation performance; questionnaire survey; Beijing