2016年 第5期
步行和自行车交通系统层次化网络构建方法 ——以海南省三亚市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)05-0011-07


摘要: 针对步行和自行车交通网络规划缺乏系统方法的情况,以《城市步行和自行车交通系统规划 设计导则》编制研究为基础,从使用者意愿角度出发,提出以步行和自行车交通分区、步行和自行 车道路分级为核心的层次化网络构建方法。采用定性与定量相结合的方法划定分区,以契合政策导 向和设施供给的双重属性;根据步行和自行车出行特点差异,提出契合城市空间结构和用地布局的 差异化布局模式;给出步行和自行车道密度、宽度指标,以及在空间、环境、衔接层面的设计指 引。强调在相关规划中落实控制指标,以保障步行和自行车交通系统层次化网络的构建。

关键词: 步行和自行车交通;层次化网络;分区;分级;步行道;自行车道;控制指标

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Developing a Hierarchical System for Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation: An Example in Sanya, Hainan

Niu Zhiqiang, Du Heng, Li Han
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Concerning the lack of a systematic approach for pedestrian and bicycle transportation planning in China, this paper proposes a hierarchical system planning method based on the development of Guideline for Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation System Planning, which considers users' need and requirement. This method focuses on transportation zoning and roadway classification for pedestrian and bicycle transportation system. The zoning is determined by both qualitative and quantitative analyses in order to meet demands of both policy guided development trend and facilities supply. Recognizing the difference of travel characteristics between walking and bicycling, the paper proposes a differential layout model, which coordinates with the urban spatial structure and land use development. The design features, such as density and width of pedestrian walkway/bicycle lane, and guideline on design elements' context sensitive connection with local environment are presented. Finally, the paper stresses the control criteria implementation in the planning, which ensures the development of a hierarchical transportation system for pedestrian and bicycle.

Keywords: pedestrian and bicycle transportation; hierarchical network; zoning; classification; walkway; bicycle lane; control criteria