2016年 第5期
大城市核心区步行和自行车系统规划策略 ——以天津市劝业场地区为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)05-0029-08


摘要: 中国许多大城市核心区交通压力突出,业态传统、单一,公共空间缺失,吸引力和竞争力日 益下降。打造活力高效的步行和自行车系统,提升核心区吸引力和活力,成为区域发展的首要任 务。以天津市核心区劝业场地区为例,采用PLPS 调查方法,分析街道网络的主要问题与诉求,提 出街道重建的发展原则及实施策略,为打造核心区高品质步行和自行车交通体系提供指导。

关键词: 交通规划;步行;自行车;公共空间;PLPS;劝业场地区;天津市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Pedestrian and Cycling Transportation System Planning Strategies in Urban Core Area: A Case Study of Tianjin Quanyechang Area

Jiang Yin, Ma Shan, Guo Benfeng,Yuan Yang,Tang Libo
(Tianjin Transportation Planning Research Center, Tianjin 300201, China)

Abstract: CBD or high density areas within most of cities are now challenged by its traffic congestion, outdated commercial form, and lack of public space, which have subsequently deteriorated the attractiveness and competitiveness. To remedy such limitations, development of a user-friendly and lively pedestrian and cycling transportation system to enhance the attractiveness and vitality become a virtual task for boosting the economy performance of Urban Core Area. This paper aims to use Public Life and Public Space (PLPS) combining with other forms of traffic survey methods to analyze the problems of street network for Quanyechang district, Tianjin City. The results are further suggested to be the strategies for street reconstruction planning and implementation plan. Furthermore, this work is also expected to provide guidance for creating high-quality slow-speed traffic system within Core Area.

Keywords: transportation plan; pedestrian; cycling; public space; PLPS; Quanyechang area; Tianjin