2016年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2016)05-0063-06


摘要: 城市规划设计部门多采用类比法制定停车配建指标,虽然可操作性强,但是较为主观。为优 化停车配建指标制定方法,基于城市交通模型的规划年路网及OD,推算小区在过境OD下的剩余 路网承载力;通过对多个小区进行有无小区分析法,以不同业态建筑产生的机动车交通需求不大于 剩余路网承载力为约束条件,建立多个停车配建指标约束方程;同时以停车配建基本供应量最大化 建立目标函数,进而求解出合理的停车配建指标。以中山市翠亨新区中央商务区为例,建立停车配 建指标计算模型,验证了模型方法的可操作性。结果表明,基于城市路网宏观模型,以路网承载力 反推的停车配建指标,既适应城市交通发展战略,也可在一定程度上缓解由停车造成的交通拥堵。

关键词: 交通规划;停车配建指标;交通模型;道路承载力;停车需求;中山市

中图分类号: U491.7


A Road Network Capacity Analysis-Based Approach to Determine Parking Quota

Luo Yun1, Zhang Yujiao2
(1.Guangdong Province Communications Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Guangdong 510507, China; 2.Guangdong Communication Polytechnic, Guangzhou Guangdong 510000, China)

Abstract: Analogy method is usually applied to formulating parking quota indicators by urban planning institutes which is often suspected due to its subjective judgments. Based on network and OD generated from demand model, this paper proposes an optimization approach which uses remaining capacity of each zone as constraints to maximum parking quota; by analyzing if there is an analysis zone, use the traffic scale no greater than the remaining road capacity as a constraint condition, establish multiple parking quota constraint equations; meanwhile, establish the objective function based on maximum of parking quota supply to reach the reasonable parking quota indicators. The CBD of Tsuihang New District, Zhongshan is used as the case study to verify the capability of proposed method. The results reveals that using network capacity to estimate parking quota indicators works well with urban transportation development strategy, and is able to effectively reduce traffic congestion, to some extent.

Keywords: transportation planning; parking quota indicators; demand model; remaining road capacity; parking demand; Zhongshan