2017年 第1期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)01-0012-08


摘要: 区域一体化轨道交通网络是中国新型城镇化发展的重要支撑。基于对新型城镇化进程中区域 轨道交通面临战略任务的分析,提出区域轨道交通的4 个层级划分:国家级战略大通道、区域轨道 交通走廊、都市圈轨道交通系统、中心城及二级城镇局域网轨道交通。阐述各层级轨道交通网络的 功能定位以及对新型城镇化的策应关系,并给出区域轨道交通规划的具体要求。提出当前区域一体 化轨道交通发展中须重点审视的问题及解决对策,涉及各层级网络功能的兼容和代偿、网络衔接、 通道资源的合理配置、多元化运营模式、枢纽级配体系、需求分析理念等方面。最后,针对转变规 划理念、协调上位规划、法规与技术标准、轨道交通车站与周边用地一体化开发,以及建设模式等 方面提出建议。

关键词: 区域轨道交通;层级划分;网络衔接;一体化运营模式;新型城镇化

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Issues and Thoughts on Regional Rail Transit Planning

Quan Yongshen1, Liu Jianfeng2
(1.Beijing Transportation Research Center, Beijing 100073, China; 2.Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Regional integrated rail transit network is an important support for the development of new urbanization in China. Based on an analysis of the strategic tasks facing the regional rail transit in the new urbanization development, this paper proposes the hierarchy of regional rail transit: the national strategic thoroughfares, the regional rail transit corridors, the rail transit system of metropolitan areas, and the rail transit network of central urban and secondary urban areas. The paper presents the functionalities of rail transit network at different levels and the coordinated connection with new urbanization, as well as the specific requirements on regional rail transit planning. The key issues and solutions in the development of regional integrated rail transit are discussed, such as compatibility and compensation of network functionalities at different levels, network connection, rational allocation of corridor resources, diversified operation mode, public transit terminals hierarchy, travel demand analysis, and etc. Finally, the paper provides several suggestions on planning concept, coordination with superior planning, regulations and technical standards, integrated development of rail transit stations and land use, construction mode, and etc.

Keywords: regional rail transit; hierarchy division; network connection; integrated operation mode; new urbanization