2017年 第1期
多层次轨道交通网络与多尺度空间协同优化 ——以上海都市圈为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)01-0020-11

陈小鸿1,周翔1, 2,乔瑛瑶3
(1.同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海201804;2.上海市城市规划设计研究院,上海200040;3.同济大学建筑设 计研究院(集团)有限公司,上海200092)

摘要: 大城市空间与交通网络互动、优化的关键在于把握出行活动的时空约束关系及基本规律。针 对不同空间尺度界定骨干交通模式的服务目标,即构建适应圈层、轴带、珠链等不同空间形态的轨 道交通系统结构及模式。首先,分析上海市轨道交通网络与城镇空间的发展历程及问题,以轨道交 通对都市圈不同区位和不同增长模式的适配程度为切入点,提炼空间—交通互动作用在出行时间与 活动空间、时间尺度与空间形态、新城发展与区域城镇格局、交通设施与增长形态四个方面的规 律。根据上海市2040 年总体规划的目标,针对都市圈核心功能区、通勤圈等不同空间尺度范围的 布局特征,确定多模式轨道交通层次结构、功能定位、网络形式等系统设计准则和策略导向。最 后,提出一小时时间约束的上海都市圈交通廊道识别、节点选择和枢纽体系设计方法和方案。

关键词: 交通规划;轨道交通网络;空间形态;多模式;空间—交通互动作用;上海都市圈

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Coordination and Optimization of Multilevel Rail Transit Network and Multi-Scale Spatial Layout: A Case Study of Shanghai Metropolitan Area

Chen Xiaohong1, Zhou Xiang1, 2, Qiao Yingyao3
(1.School of Transportation, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2.Shanghai Urban Planning Design & Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China; 3.Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: It is necessary to understand the rules of travel activities under time-space dimension in metropolitan area for the coordination and optimization between spatial form and transportation network. Those understandings may help us identify the service objectives and operational structures for each mode, including circle, axis, and bead chain. This paper first reviews the development and existing problems of urban spatial layout and urban rail transit system in Shanghai. Based on the functionalities of rail transit in different location and growth mode in metropolitan area, the paper summarizes the characteristics of space and transportation interaction in four aspects: travel time and space, time windows and spatial form, layout of new town development, development of transportation facilities. According to the objectives in “Shanghai Master Plan 2040”, the paper also proposes the structure, roles, design principles and development strategies for urban rail transit network with considering both the specific needs of the core area and commuting circle. Finally, the paper elaborates the main travel corridors, node selection and terminals system for successfully implementing one-hour travel in Shanghai metropolitan area.

Keywords: transportation planning; rail transit network; spatial form; multimode; interaction between space and transportation; Shanghai metropolitan area