2017年 第2期
公共汽(电)车与轨道交通衔接联动控制模型研究 ——以广州市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)02-0018-07


摘要: 公共汽(电)车与轨道交通是城市公共交通系统中最重要的两种交通方式,如何协调两者之间 关系,实现两网融合发展,提高整个公共交通系统的运输效率,是现阶段公共交通发展面临的重要 课题。以广州市公共汽(电)车与轨道交通衔接为例,分析现状衔接水平,并将轨道交通服务区域划 分为3 个不同圈层。根据各圈层特点,综合考虑乘客对拥挤程度忍受的时间以及轨道交通客流平均 运距等特征,选取表征轨道交通服务水平的评价指标,构建公共汽(电)车与轨道交通衔接联动控制 模型,并制定相应的衔接联动控制策略。最后,以广州市为例,将构建的模型实际应用于轨道交通 三号线沿线公共汽(电)车线路的优化调整。

关键词: 交通规划;公共交通;公共汽(电)车;联动控制模型;衔接模式;广州市

中图分类号: U491


Coordinated Control Model for the Connection Between Bus and Rail Transit: Taking Guangzhou as an Example

Tan Yunlong, Zhong Zhixin, Zhou Luelue
(Guangzhou Transport Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510635, China)

Abstract: Bus and rail transit are the two main modes of urban public transportation system. How to coordinate the relationship has become an emergency issue to the next-generation development of public transportation. Taking Guangzhou as an example, this paper first evaluate the current coordination level between bus and rail transit. To develop a coordinated model and corresponding policy for better connecting bus and urban rail, the paper divided rail transit service area of Guangzhou into three levels based on the service characteristics, and then select the appropriate indicators with considering the extent of passengers crowded endure time, average travel distance, and etc. Finally, the proposed model is applied to optimizing the bus lines along the rail transit line 3 in Guangzhou.

Keywords: transportation planning; public transit; bus; coordinated control model; connection mode; Guangzhou