2017年 第2期
公共汽(电) 车首末站规划建设策略 ——基于香港经验

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)01-0077-06


摘要: 公交首末站是公共交通设施的重要组成部分,但普遍存在设施用地短缺问题,这将严重制约 公交优先发展。首先,以广州市为例分析当前内地大城市公交首末站规划建设面临的问题。其次, 剖析香港的成功经验,从规划指引、投资模式、综合开发及配建标准等方面提出具有可操作性的规 划建设策略和方法,以推动公交首末站规划建设进程并促进公交优先的快速发展。

关键词: 城市交通;公共汽(电)车;公交首末站;公交优先;香港;广州市

中图分类号: U491


Strategies for Bus Terminals Planning and Construction: Lessons from Hong Kong Experience

Su Yuejiang, Pan Lei, Cui Ang
(Guangzhou Transport Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510635, China)

Abstract: As a vital component in public transit system, bus terminals have been always suffering from the issue of inadequate land spaces in China. Such a barrier severely limits the development of public transportation priority. Taking Guangzhou as an example, this paper first analyses some shared problems of bus terminals planning and construction in Chinese metropolis. The paper tries to learn the successful experience from Hong Kong. A couple of workable strategies, namely, planning guidance, investment patterns, comprehensive development, and construction standards, are highlighted for better promoting the planning and construction of bus terminals and supporting public transportation priority.

Keywords: urban transportation; bus; bus terminals; public transportation priority; Hong Kong; Guangzhou