2017年 第2期
北京、上海、杭州机动车对PM2.5 的贡献度差异

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)02-0093-03


摘要: 北京、上海、杭州3 个城市的人口规模、城市功能、发展阶段不尽相同,交通结构和交通政 策各有差异,但数据反映的交通对PM2.5 的贡献度相当,背后原因值得探究。从PM2.5 源解析结构 和交通自身影响两个环节入手,对其内部机理和原因进行深入分析。就源解析结构而言,三城市在 区域输送、本地源排放中的能源结构和产业结构等均有较大差异。就交通自身影响而言,北京、杭 州过境道路交通影响较大,而上海的交通污染贡献还包括远洋船舶。因此,三城市机动车对PM2.5 的贡献度存在差异,建议北京PM2.5 的治理关注区域、燃煤和过境车辆要素,上海关注工业、船舶 污染,杭州关注工业、燃煤、扬尘等影响。

关键词: 交通节能减排;交通污染治理;贡献度;PM2.5 源解析;区域交通;城市交通

中图分类号: U491


Different PM2.5 Emissions by Transportation in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou

Lu Ximing1, Shao Dan2
(1.Advanced Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2.Shanghai Urban- Rural Construction and Transportation Development Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Due to the differences in populations, urban functionalities and development stages, Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou have different travel mode share and transportation policies. However, their road traffic contributions to PM2.5 emissions are almost the same, which deserves the investigations. From the PM2.5 emission source and the traffic analysis, this paper discusses the internal mechanism and causes of air pollution. At the level of source analysis, the energy consumption and industrial structure in regional transportation and vehicle emissions of these three cities are quite different. In terms of the impact of transportation itself, by-passing traffic has a big impact in Beijing and Hangzhou, while Shanghai's transportation pollution also includes ocean-going vessels. Therefore, the contribution of motorized traffic to PM2.5 in these three cities is different. To control PM2.5 pollution, it is recommended for Beijing to focus on regional transportation, coal consumption and by-passing vehicles, for Shanghai to pay attention on industry and vessel-related pollution, and for Hangzhou to make efforts control pollutions from industry, coal combustion and dust.

Keywords: transportation energy conservation and emissions reduction; traffic pollution control; contribution; PM2.5 source analysis; regional transportation; urban transportation