2017年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)03-0009-11

周翔1, 2,高岳2

摘要: 绿色发展是“上海2040”的规划理念之一,是上海市交通发展的核心价值导向。围绕建设卓 越的全球城市的目标愿景,提出面向创新、人文、生态三个维度的绿色交通策略和指标,确立能源 和资源双重约束下的绿色交通发展内涵。基于交通与城市空间协调布局、协同功能的规划思路,指 出打造轨道都市、构建TOD社区、引导绿色出行是实现上海市绿色交通发展的主要路径及策略。 提出重构多层次、多模式的轨道交通网络、推行街区制的全路网规划设计思路、实施交通策略分 区、提升步行和自行车交通网络功能、加强智慧交通发展等多重措施。

关键词: 绿色交通;轨道交通网络;TOD社区;步行和自行车交通;策略分区;“上海2040”

中图分类号: U491


“Shanghai 2040” Green Transportation Development Plan and Strategies

Zhou Xiang1, 2, Gao Yue2
(1.College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2.Shanghai Urban Planning Design & Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Being the core guiding principle of Shanghai transportation development, green development is one of the planning concepts for “Shanghai 2040”. Aiming to build a global city of excellence, this paper proposes the green transportation strategies and indicators in terms of innovation, humanity and ecology, and establishes the content of green transportation under the constraints of energy and resources. Based on the planning guidelines of coordinated development between transportation and urban spaces and functionalities, this paper puts forward the main strategies for green transportation development in Shanghai, including building a rail transit city, establishing TOD community, and promoting green travel. The paper elaborates measures for green transportation development, such as developing a multi-level and multi-modal rail transit network, promoting roadway network planning and design based on neighborhood, implementing transportation strategic zoning system, enhancing the functionalities of pedestrian and bicycle transportation network, and improving the development of intelligent transportation.

Keywords: public policy; transportation policy; transportation white paper; public transportation; development history; Shanghai
